Fotky našich šteniat sú dostupné na fb stránke Villa Cassia - kennel. 

Narodený/Born: 28.6.2018

Mama/Mother: Daisy Patterdogs (Petit Brabancon,BaT)
Shows: junior Champion Slovakia, Champion Slovakia (2xCAJC, 6xCac, 4x Cacib, 3xBOS, 4x BOB)
LP:0/0, Teeth:4/6
Canisterapeut exams, Agility

Otec/Father : OLIVER of Baluchistan (Petit Brabancon)
Shows: Junior Champion Slovakia , Champion Slovakia, Grand Champion Slovakia, Club Champion SR, Club Champion CZ, CH Croatia, CH Hungary , CH Romania , CH Austria, CH Serbia, CH Poland
Teeth: 6/6, LP: 0/0, ECVO - eyes clear

Puppy: 2male and + 1 female
1M - Caesar Villa Cassia (red smooth) - predany/sold in Slovakia
-online pedigree  https://ingrus.net/griffon/en/details/31958

2M - Copperhead Villa Cassia (red smooth) predany/sold in Slovakia
-online pedigree https://ingrus.net/griffon/en/details/31957

1F - Cipollina Villa Cassia ( red smooth) predany/sold in Slovakia
-online pedigree https://ingrus.net/griffon/en/details/31959

Villacassia - Čakanovce, Košice-okolie 044 45
Všetky práva vyhradené 2018
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